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The food industry places high demands on material handling equipment. Harsh conditions found in places such as dairies, bakeries and breweries means equipment is often exposed to extreme temperatures, as well as water, moisture, dirt and cleaning agents. Plus, equipment must be fast and accurate to keep up with high speed production lines, yet must also be easy to clean and maintain so it won’t contaminate the environment or the food. Whatever your particular food handling challenge may be, Thomson has the products and know-how to get the job done.

Linear Unit Systems

Few linear unit systems offer the variety of sizes and technologies as Thomson. We create systems specifically designed and built to deliver the kind of performance, durability and safety needed for your specific application.

Precison Linear Actuators

Replacing hydralic and pneumatic solutions with electric Precision Linear Actuators provides higher speed, better accuracy, improved controllability, lower noise and reduced energy consumption.

Micron AquaTrue Planetary Gearheads

The AquaTrue series, designed specifically for the food processing industry, has both the accuracy and toughness necessary for optimal performance. A wide range of gear ratios and frame sizes make AquaTrue easy to implement in most types of machines.

AKD 驱动器
Advanced Kollmorgen Drive™ (AKD) 科尔摩根 Kollmorgen AKD™ 是一个完整系列的基于以太网的伺服驱动器,它具备快速、功能丰富、灵活、快速集成、易于使用等优点,适合任何应用。AKD 采用即插即用式的调试方法,可确保即时、无缝地操作您...    查看详情…
AKD PDMM 可编程多轴控制驱动器

科尔摩根 Kollmorgen AKD PDMM®将AKD伺服驱动器与功能强大的嵌入式运动控制器组合在一个紧凑的封装中,可以在机器上最多控制64个轴。 AKD PDMM为多个高性能轴,完整的I/O和HMI接口提供集成控制,并包括科尔摩根自动化组件(Kollmorgen Autom...    查看详情…

Thomson将旗下各品牌最具竞争力和互补性的直线运动单元产品整合起来,成为当今市面上最先进最齐全的产品线之一,涵盖汤姆森最小最紧凑的直线运动系统到最大最坚固的直线运动单元产品。我们品种繁多的导轨和驱动系统适合恶劣环境以及高速、高精度应用场合,同时兼顾性能、寿命和成本。RediMount电机安装适配...    查看详情…
电动缸 - 精密直线执行器

精密直线执行器(电动缸)设计为需要持续工作运行的应用提供高性能。它们提供了电动执行器所具有的高推力和高速度,让您设计出更加紧凑的机器,并大幅提高生产效率。精密直线执行器通常作为液压传动解决方案的清洁、高效的替代之选,只按需吸收能量,并且比气动传动更加安静。为了满足您的具体应用, Thom...    查看详情…

Kollmorgen 拥有超过70年设计用于挑战性环境中的客户定制化电机的经验。最显著的是用在 Jason Jr,用来探索泰坦尼克号的潜水器所使用的电机。 防水电机适合许多在食品、饮料、医药、水下作业等行业的电机应用,食品级防水电机使用FDA认可的食品级材料制造,专为设计用于满足行业内最严苛的卫生...    查看详情…
Thomson Micron推出了我们最新的 AquaTRUE™减速机,能够承受频繁的冲洗和刺激性化学物质,可以满足恶劣环境应用的严苛要求,设计用于食品和饮料处理,包装和配送,医药制造业以及其它有严格卫生要求的行业。 AquaTRUE拥有IP66/IP67和IP69K防护等级,能够承受腐...    查看详情…