Material handling solutions sometimes involve bringing together production cells that can’t be placed adjacent to each other. Moving goods, parts or components between these cells means covering distances with speed, but without getting in the way of other processes. Overhead transportation is one way to achieve this goal, as goods will not interfere with walkways or truck routes, keeping valuable floor space free for other production equipment.
Adjustable Picking Tool
The use of linear actuators, precision linear actuators and round rail Ball Bushing® bearings makes this tool adjustable, allowing you to pick different types of chassis in a mixed production line.
Long Transport Systems
Thomson has a variety of systems with the capacity to move objects long distances with high speed. In this application an entire car chassis is moved 12 meters in a couple of seconds.
Workspace Expansion
By mounting the base of a robot onto a combination of linear guides, ball screw and Micron planetary gear, any workspace can be dramatically enlarged. The robot can also perform work on a moving chassis.
Lifting Unit
The telescopic lifting unit is an ideal addition to the Tollobelt system. The telescopic function allows the system to be mounted close to the ceiling, since the lifting unit can reach down and lift the chassis high enough to clear any objects beneath the transportation path.
科尔摩根 Kollmorgen AKD PDMM®将AKD伺服驱动器与功能强大的嵌入式运动控制器组合在一个紧凑的封装中,可以在机器上最多控制64个轴。 AKD PDMM为多个高性能轴,完整的I/O和HMI接口提供集成控制,并包括科尔摩根自动化组件(Kollmorgen Autom... 查看详情…
拥有超过 500,000 种标准产品和几乎无限的联合工程修改解决方案,选择合适的电机――针对您的特定应用要求进行优化――从未如此简单。<... 查看详情…
电动直线执行器(电动推杆和电动缸)是一种机电装置,其最简单的形式是将电机的旋转运动转换为通过丝杠带动延伸套管/活塞杆进出的直线运动。Thomson 直线执行器有多种类型和尺寸。它们可以使用交流、直流步进或伺服电机,并且配备了集成电子设备或独立控制器。Thomson 提供多种行程长度和负载... 查看详情…