Aerotech的 ABRT 系列空气轴承精密直驱转台提供卓越的角度定位,速度稳定性和无误差运动性能,并且拥有令人印象深刻的有效负载能力及出色的轴向和径向刚性。该ABRT精密转台是专为满足DVD母盘,晶圆检测,高精度测量应用,X射线衍射系统,光学检测和制造,以及微型机电系统(MEMS)/纳米器件制造的严格要求。
● 零齿槽效应电机提供优秀的速度稳定性
● 卓越的无误差运动和摆动性能
● 直接耦合的高精确度旋转编码器
● 大口径通孔
● 无机械接触
The ABRT design features large air-bearing surfaces and innovative preloading for high stiffness and load capacity, producing not only excellent axial and radial error motions, but outstanding tilt error motion, as well. The resultant performance is significantly better than other rotary air-bearing tables and spindles, greatly benefiting applications requiring exceptional planar performance. Furthermore, this stage family provides a clear aperture that can be used for product feed-through, laser beam delivery, cable clearance or application-specific requirements.
To maximize positioning performance, the ABRT series utilizes optimized versions of Aerotech S-series slotless, brushless motor. The motor uses an advanced magnetic circuit design to produce high torque output with minimal heat generation. The slotless design is inherently zero-cogging and torque-ripple-free. This makes ABRT stages ideal for applications requiring smooth scan velocities at low or high speeds.
An optical encoder is standard with the ABRT. When coupled with Aerotech feedback multipliers and controls, resolutions of <0.03 arc second are achievable.
Custom Designs
Custom versions of the ABRT are available to satisfy rate table and high precision inertial guidance test-stand applications. Other features, such as slip rings and rotary unions, are available.
Aerotech manufactures a wide range of servo amplifiers and advanced controllers to provide a complete, integrated package.