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微型仪器仪表滚珠衬套轴承 | Miniature Instrument Ball Bushing Bearings
高精度等级和紧凑的尺寸使得微型仪器仪表轴承适用于需要高重复精度和高响应速度的小型机构或装置。当替换高摩擦滑动轴承时,仪表轴承一贯的低摩擦系数能够消除粘滑,并提供平滑的直线运动性能。每个仪器仪表轴承可以和一个相匹配的 60 Case LinearRace轴系成套提供,实现最小拟合,优化系统性能和精度。
Miniature Instrument
Ball Bushing Bearing
Working Bore
Diameter (in)
60 Case LinearRace
Part Number
Max Length (in)
Dynamic(1) Load
Capacity (lbf)
INST 258-SS  .1250 / .1247  LRI 2  12  7
INST 369-SS  .1875 / .1872  LRI 3  12  9
INST 4812-SS  .2500 / .2497  LRI 4  12  19
Miniature Instrument
Ball Bushing Bearing
& LinearRace Sets
Diameter (in)
Diameter (in)
 Ball Bushing
Length (in)
 Number of
Ball Circuits
INST 2 MS1  .1250  .3125 / .3121  .500 / .485  3
 INST 3 MS1  .1875  .3750 / .3746  .562 / .547  3
 INST 4 MS1  .2500  .5000 / .4996  .750 / .735  3
(1)Dynamic Load Capacity is based on a rated travel life of 2 million inches. The actual Dynamic Load Capacity can be affected by the orientation of the bearing or the direction of the applied load.