● 免维护操作
● 无需昂贵的润滑系统
● 作为与Thomson Super超级和Super Smart超级智能滚珠衬套轴承外球面轴承座的选项
● 可作为一个完整的组合,或成为现有的非自润滑轴承座组件的改装套件
Lube for Life Modification Kits
For Retrofitting Existing Assemblies
The Lube Block accessory is mounted on both sides of the bearing carriage or pillow block. The polymer is designed to match the profile of the rail that it is running on. A spring is wrapped around the outside of the polymer ensuring constant contact with the rail, even as the polymer wears over time. A wiper is placed outboard of the polymer to protect it from contamination. Finally, we lubricate the bearing with EP2 grease. This design is superior to typical self-lubricating units like felt pads, which require frequent recharging and can wear to the point that they are no longer in contact with the rail.
Lube for Life Technology
For Profile Rail and RoundRail Products
Thomson has utilized this technology for years on our 500 Series Profile Rail carriages and RoundRail products. Modification kits are available as an accessory for retrofitting existing non-self-lubricating bearings, as well as installed on new linear bearing assemblies. Each kit includes two Lube for Life cartridges and assembly instructions.