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ALS2200 机械轴承直驱平台 | ALS2200 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage | 直线电机直驱精密定位直线平台
通过结合强大的直线电机驱动与高精度交叉滚柱轴承并且在一个完全密封的系统中, ALS2200是一款具有出色性能的工业品级的平台。

Mechanical Specifications

Model ALS22010 ALS22015
Travel 100 mm 150 mm
Accuracy(1) Standard ±4.0 μm ±6.0 μm
HALAR ±0.75 μm
Resolution 3 nm
Repeatability(1) (Bidirectional) ±0.2 μm
Repeatability(1) (Unidirectional) ±0.1 μm
Straightness(1) ±1.5 μm ±2.0 μm
Flatness(1) ±1.5 μm ±2.0 μm
Pitch 10 arc sec 14 arc sec
Roll 10 arc sec 14 arc sec
Yaw 8 arc sec 10 arc sec
Maximum Speed 500 mm/s
Maximum Acceleration 1 g
Maximum Force (Continuous) 32.4 N
Load Capacity(2) Horizontal 30 kg
Side 30 kg
Moving Mass 6.4 kg 7.4 kg
Stage Mass 14 kg 16 kg
Material Aluminum
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) 20,000 Hours
  1. Certified with each stage.
  2. Axis orientation for on-axis loading is listed.
  3. Specifications are for single-axis systems measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.

Electrical Specifications

Drive System Brushless Linear Servomotor
Feedback Noncontact Linear Encoder
Maximum Bus Voltage 320 VDC
Limit Switches 5 V, Normally Closed/Normally Open
Home Switch Near Center

Recommended Controller

Multi-Axis A3200 Ndrive MP/Ndrive CP/Ndrive HPe/Ndrive CL/Ndrive HLe
Ensemble Ensemble MP/Ensemble CP/Ensemble HPe/Ensemble CL/Ensemble HLe
Single Axis Soloist Soloist MP/Soloist CP/Soloist HPe/Soloist CL/Soloist HLe


  • ALS2200 Dimensions

Ordering Information

Ordering Example

ALS2200 -015 -M -NC

Ordering Options

Series Travel (mm) Mounting and Grid Pattern Limits
ALS2200 -010
-M -NC

ALS2200 Series Linear Motor Stage

Option Description
ALS22010 100 mm (4 in) travel stage with linear motor, crossed-roller bearings and limits
ALS22015 150 mm (6 in) travel stage with linear motor, crossed-roller bearings and limits

Mounting and Grid Pattern

Option Description
-M Metric dimension mounting pattern and holes


Option Description
-NC Normally-closed end of travel limit switches (standard)
-NO Normally-open end of travel limit switches

Accessories (to be ordered as separate line item)

Option Description
HALAR High accuracy system; linear error correction for accuracy and repeatability
HALSF High accuracy system; improved straightness and flatness
ALIGNMENT-NPA Non-precision XY assembly
ALIGNMENT-PA10 XY assembly; 10 arc second orthogonal
ALIGNMENT-PA5 XY assembly; 5 arc second orthogonal