● 高分辨率(1纳米),重复精度(75纳米)和精度(250纳米)
● 定位稳定性<1纳米
● 抗蠕变交叉滚子轴承
● 高动态性能
● 大选择范围 - 8种行程和精度
The linear motor drive also offers the advantage of higher speeds and accelerations. The compact yet powerful linear motor drives the ANT130-L to a peak unloaded acceleration of 1 g and a maximum velocity of 350 mm/s. The result is a high-accuracy device with outstanding throughput that significantly outperforms comparable high-accuracy screw-driven or other stages in its class.
For alignment applications, outstanding step-to-step resolution is critical. The ANT130-L meets this demand with an incremental step size of 1 nm when coupled with Aerotech drives and controls. The direct-drive linear motor allows the ANT130-L to make precise, small resolution steps. This is particularly important in alignment applications where step accuracy is critical.
Like all stages in the Aerotech product family, the ANT130-L was designed for outstanding long-term performance. Both the linear motor and linear encoder are noncontact devices, which means they not only exhibit long-life but are totally maintenance free.
ANT130-L series stages are easily configured as XY assemblies. Options include precision orthogonality alignment to 5 arc seconds and vertical axis solutions.