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几乎没有其他行业像飞机制造业那样需要搬运系统。 Thomson公司同时兼具独一无二的经验和产品,可精确满足物料搬运应用中的各种苛刻要求。

Few industries place as much demand on a handling system as aircraft construction. The handling of very large and heavy objects, the need for extreme accuracy and unyielding quality standards make for a difficult challenge. At Thomson, we have both the unique experience and the products to meet the precise needs of the most demanding material handling applications.

Aircraft Wing Handling

In this instance, a wing is transported along a line. At a machining assembly station, the oversized and immensely heavy wing is brought in and tilted 90 degrees. The sheer size and weight of the wing makes the job particularly challenging.

Round Way Roller Bearings

Round Way Roller Bearings have the strength and accuracy to be able to transport an entire wing along the line. Unlike most linear bearings, Round Way are very forgiving. For instance, the bearings can pass from one shaft to another without losing accuracy, even if they are not perfectly aligned. This makes it possible to build large systems quickly and easily.

Tilt Station Transport Platform

To get the wing in and out of the tilt station, the wing fixture is brought on to a transport platform. The platform rides on a set of Round Way bearings and is moved in and out of the tilt station by a ball screw assembly that includes a Micron planetary gearhead. This combination allows the wing to be correctly positioned with accuracy high enough to allow for machining.

Tilt Station with Screw Jacks

Once the tilt station transport platform is correctly positioned in the tilt station, three Thomson worm gear screw jacks tilt the wing and the platform 90 degrees. In this position, machining and assembly work can be carried out on the wing. The screw jacks are easy to synchronize, have high accuracy and efficiency, and have proven to be quite rugged and reliable.

AKD 驱动器
Advanced Kollmorgen Drive™ (AKD) 科尔摩根 Kollmorgen AKD™ 是一个完整系列的基于以太网的伺服驱动器,它具备快速、功能丰富、灵活、快速集成、易于使用等优点,适合任何应用。AKD 采用即插即用式的调试方法,可确保即时、无缝地操作您...    查看详情…
AKD PDMM 可编程多轴控制驱动器

科尔摩根 Kollmorgen AKD PDMM®将AKD伺服驱动器与功能强大的嵌入式运动控制器组合在一个紧凑的封装中,可以在机器上最多控制64个轴。 AKD PDMM为多个高性能轴,完整的I/O和HMI接口提供集成控制,并包括科尔摩根自动化组件(Kollmorgen Autom...    查看详情…

AKM™ 系列伺服电机
拥有超过 500,000 种标准产品和几乎无限的联合工程修改解决方案,选择合适的电机――针对您的特定应用要求进行优化――从未如此简单。<...    查看详情…
Thomson Micron® 行星减速机采用TRUE Planetary™行星齿轮传动技术,提供高扭矩容量以及平滑而宁静的运转。行星齿轮减速机是需要高扭矩体积比、高抗扭刚度和低齿隙的高精度运动控制应用的理想解决方案。我们所有的减速机具有终生润滑,无需维护。通过新技术,改进设计和增强的安装选...    查看详情…

Thomson 的蜗轮丝杠升降机(Worm Gear Screw Jacks)MULI®和JUMBO®在精度和可靠性方面设立了新的工程技术标准。先进技术水平的CAD/CAE系统辅助设计和秉承严谨的制造要求,这些升降机能够满足你的应用所有必要的安全性、高性价比和耐用性的要求...    查看详情…

优势 - 蜗轮丝杠升降机
通过MULI®和JUMBO®蜗轮丝杠升降机,THOMSON已经建立了新的精度和工程技术标准。通过CAD/CAE辅助设计和高效CNC机床加工,这些升降机能够满足当今对安全、高性价比和耐用性的要求。    查看详情…
RoundWay® 滚柱轴承
Thomson发明了可用于大负载、重任务应用的RoundWay直线滚柱轴承。 RoundWay轴承将硬质耐磨钢循环滚柱的高负载能力和坚固韧性铁装配台结合在一起,具有高负载能力和能够进行光滑直线运动的特点,这是一种加强型的特制环形直线滚柱轴承。 链连接滚柱允许RoundWay在恶劣和被污染的环境下高速...    查看详情…
Motion in Minutes
科尔摩根自动化套件 (KAS) 包括您需要的所有软件和硬件,以更快地将真正与众不同的高性能机器推向市场。 事实证明...    查看详情…